
My GitHub account.

Some highlights:

Protokt: A Protocol Buffer compiler and runtime for Kotlin.

Buf Gradle Plugin: A Gradle plugin for the Buf Protocol Buffers tool.

Squash lambdas: Automated management for squash reservations made through the Club Locker platform.

Risk board game simulation: Simulate battles between armies of various sizes, allowing for the novel possibility of the defending army dynamically choosing its number of defenders to attempt to optimize its chances of successful defense.

MySQL-to-H2: A library to convert MySQL scripts to their closest equivalent H2 Database form, useful for testing. Forked from an older and mostly-complete effort.




Language specification
Object-oriented language extension
Type system specification
ABI specification
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
Project 6
Project 7

Click here to see a short presentation I gave about the register allocation algorithm in my compiler.

Settlers of Catan

Assignment for Settlers of Catan implementation.